Last updated 4/24/2005



Favorite photos


Bathbug (December 2004)

Most Valuable Son (October 2004)

Happy camper (June 2004)

Music Box (April 2004)

Jacob shows his true colors (February 2004)

The Greatest Pumpkin of Them All! (October 2003)

Cheery-O! (September 2003)

Barbara and Jacob in Palm Springs (June 2003)

Jacob and Lisa in Palm Springs (June 2003)

Jacob craving his first beer (early May 2003)

Jacob on his activity mat (early February 2003)

Jacob in the tub (late December 2002)



November 2004-January 2005


We spent two weeks in Palm Springs in December.  Jacob playing with Nana.  Grandpa liked to pillowfight Jacob (in that one, I think Howard is bodyslamming Jacob).  Mano-y-mano.  The ruckus continued at the pool—flying, floating, bonding.


Jacob in his bath towel one and two.


Movie of Jacob dancing at Hanukah (make sure your speakers are on) [sorry the movie is sideways—we don’t know how to fix that—you’ll get the point!]


Jacob turned 2!  Eric’s letter to Jacob.  Lisa’s letter to Jacob.  Birthday cupcake.  Combo Thanksgiving/birthday with the three amigos.  Jacob with Zoe.


You were a dragon for Halloween.  Front.  Back.  With Mommy.


Bath time.  Operating heavy equipment.


October 2004


The Stancil/Hurt family brought over a fondue set.  Jacob knows what to do with chocolate fondue.


We celebrated Gabe’s 2nd birthday at the Family Farm in Grafton.  Jacob on his first hayride.  Jacob checking out the chickens.


Gail and Bob Wilensky (1st cousin, twice removed?) came from DC to visit.  Family resemblance?  Gail gets twice the love.  Jacob finds a tunnel.


Jacob took his second overnight camping trip, this time to the Wildcat Mountain State Park near Ontario, WI to see the fall colors.  Yellow leaves.  Lisa overlooking Kickapoo River valley.  Sunset.  Sunrise.  Another overlook of Kickapoo River valley.  On top of Mt. Pisgah.


The shirt says it all.  Jacob with his favorite book. 


September 2004


Jacob started pre-school.  He adjusted quickly.


Lisa and Amy made an Ikea run.  Jacob (with Fiona) in the apple pit: 1, 2, 3, 4.


Jacob reading “The Earth Is My Friend.”  Visiting Gabe.  Ready for shul on Yom Kippur.  Jacob wants you to vote!


Summer 2004


Jacob spent 6 weeks in California and 1 week on a Caribbean cruise.  Some highlights:


Jacob went on his first overnight camping trip to Little Basin.  Playing in the dirt.  Playing with twigs.  Big smile!  Reading by the campfire.  Pre-smores.  Fun with Aunt Sandy.  Fun with Uncle Jay.  More fun with Uncle Jay.  Camping is tiring!


Jacob did his first International trip.  The Cruise Pelican.  On the boat with the Grandparents.  With Grandma in Grand Cayman.


With Margaret Prothero.  Santa Monica Beach 1 and 2.  Getty Museum.  Legoland.  Pool time with Grandpa.  Pool time with dog.  Traveling is tiring!


Playing with birthing ball.  Group bath.  Double-fisted with farmer’s market strawberries.


May 2004


Jacob discovers chocolate raspberry sticks.  He feels no guilt.


Video of Jacob playing with Daddy’s new electronic slinky toy.  A video of Jacob up close and personal.


April 2004


The weather finally got nice enough to take a walk at the Schlitz Audubon Preserve.  Jacob likes to point.  Here, he points at trees and turtles.  His favorite part of the hike was watching mommy and daddy tramp through the muddy parts of the trail.  He squealed with delight!


Jacob is mastering walking.  Here, he attacks!  Here, he giggles.


Jacob with his music box.  The family at Seder.  A boy can never have too many books.  No shoes, no shirt, no service.


March 2004


Jacob is beginning to walk!


Lisa and Jacob took another trip to Palm Springs.  Grandpa Howard reads Jacob a book.  Grandma Barbara plays with Jacob.  “Aunt” Renee flew down to visit with Jacob.   Jacob can swim outdoors in March!  Casey likes to play with Jacob.  Jacob loves red balloons: 1, 2, 3.


The fridge is a fun place to play!  Jacob likes popcorn.


February 2004


Jacob is a third-generation Bruin.  Lisa and Susan baked hamentashens with help from Jacob and Gabe.  Tired boy. 


December 2003/January 2004


We took another trip to Palm Springs and Los Angeles over winter break.  Grandparents Howard and Barbara fed Jacob.  Jacob celebrated Chanukah with his new kepah.  Grandma Barbara taught him a fun game of playing with the curtains. 


Jacob got to see Great-Grandmas Pearl, Rosel and Renee.  Grandparents Gail and Stuart made the long drive for an opportunity to read with him and hold him.  Great Uncle Harvey is double-fisted with Jacob and second cousin (?) Ben, and the whole Knell clan gathered around.


Jacob has fun destroying newspapers and playing with red balloons.


We got a fair amount of snow in January.  Jacob loves cold weather, so we thought we should take him out to play in the snow.  However, we really don’t know how to play in the snow.  So Jacob just sat there, happy but immobile.  Eric tried flinging some snow at him.  He liked that.


Susan, Todd and Gabe came over to visit.  Jacob and Gabe playing together: 1, 2, 3, 4


Cute cruiser.  Jacob driving his first set of wheels.


November 2003


The fall season has arrived.  This means lots of leaves to play in and rake!  Here, Lisa gets ready to do some raking.  Jacob in his bunting.  Fall also means apples, which Jacob enjoyed playing with.


Jacob turned 1 this month!  The three amigos held a joint party, and each mom baked a cake modeled after their kid.  Everyone had a good time opening presents.  Letters from Lisa and Eric to Jacob on his first birthday.


Lisa’s cousin Renee stayed with us a week.  Jacob liked it when Renee sang the Rubber Ducky song.  Lisa, Renee and Jacob took a trip to Chicago, where they stopped at the Lego store on Michigan Ave.  On that trip, Lisa, Renee and Jacob visited a Chicago deli, where Jacob demolished a roll and got personal service from Dotti. 


The reader.   


October 2003


Fall arrived and it was time for Halloween.  Jacob celebrated by visiting a pumpkin farm.  He likes pumpkins!


A too-cute video of Jacob on the swing.  (Daddy is working really hard off-camera to get this reaction!). 


September 2003


We went to Las Vegas to celebrate mom’s 60th birthday.  She got a very special present.  Grandpa Stuart did some power babysitting. 


Give me an O!  Dinosaur PJs.  Standing in the Crawl ‘n’ Cruise.  Everyone on Daddy.


August 2003


His beer lust (from June) confirmed that Jacob is a native Milwaukeean.  Now, Jacob is learning how to dress like a native.  Another shot.  Over Labor Day, Milwaukee hosted the 100th anniversary of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, with 200,000 motorcyclists descending on the town.  Native son Jacob was not to be left out.  Jacob got personal with a biker babe (Jacob, what are you looking at? and notice her baby-holding techniques) and joined a biker gang (check out his baby-holding technique).  Jacob is Born to be Wild!


Grandma Gail gets some play time and Grandpa Stuart gives a big hug.  Aunt Sandy gets a heart-melting smile and the whole Hirsh family gathers ‘round.  Jacob loved dinnertime with Letty.  A nice moment with “Aunt” Renee.  Jacob shows some tummy for Erin.  Jacob also met Krissy, the dog of Bea (the next-door-neighbor in Mountain View).  He has a way with animals. 


Jacob snacking on an apple, but dried mango is his favorite!   Jacob enjoys a (rare) nice Milwaukee day in the backyard.


June and July 2003


Lisa and Jacob visited Palm Springs in June 2003.  Jacob dressed for the occasion.  Jacob is thrilled to sit on Barbara’s lap.  Howard can’t wait to wrestle Jacob, but for now he has to settle for a swim.  Jacob gave some love to Great-Grandma Pearl.  Gail and Stuart drove down from Sacramento just for a brief chance to hold Jacob.  Mommy gets a special moment with Jacob in the backyard.


A sweet shot of Jacob.


May 15-23


Jacob turned 6 months old!  He celebrates by flying.


Jacob eats a variety of solid foods now, including sweet potato, carrots, winter squash, banana and avocado.  Sweet potatoes are his favorite!


Jacob wearing Gap-branded merchandise.  Eric and Jacob cheek-to-cheek.


April 26-May 15


Erin and Josh came from New York to visit for a weekend.  To celebrate, we went to the Miller Brewing Company’s corporate tour.  There, we confirmed that Jacob is a native Milwaukeean!


Lisa massaging Jacob.  Jacob happy to see Maggie.


March 19 – April 25


Jacob had his first solid food (some rice cereal).  He has developed into a natural eater.  Whenever he sees the spoon coming, he reflexively opens his mouth.


Smiling in his high chair.  Giggling in a bathrobe.


Feb. 20 – March 18


Jacob had a month of many firsts!


Lisa took Jacob on his first airplane trip (this photo is actually on the way home).  He met Great Grandma Pearl and Great Grandma Renee for the first time.  The whole Sanger family together (with Craig and Casey).


From Palm Springs, Lisa and Jacob flew to the Bay Area, where Eric joined them.  Jacob with Aunt Sandy, Uncle Jay and Tessa.  Do you see any resemblance between Grandma and Jacob?


Jacob also went on his first hike, where he saw his first redwoods.


Jacob asleep in the car.  Jacob riding high like Superman.  Jacob groggy after a bath.  Jacob sitting on Lisa’s lap.


Feb. 12 – Feb. 19


Jacob is a narcissist.  He loves checking himself out in a mirror hanging over his changing table, and he gets a big smile when he sees the handsome devil looking back at him.  Often he does extra kicks and arm flails in excitement.


He still needs a lot of cuddling to fall asleep.  Here, Eric is working hard to facilitate some blissful slumber.


Jacob is getting baby cheeks.  Looking at his mom lovingly.


Jan. 22 – Feb. 12


On February 1, Lisa had a “girls night out,” leaving Eric alone with Jacob for 3 hours.  Eric was terrified!  Eric and Jacob experienced a full range of emotions, from crying to asleep to blissed out.  Eric survived the night but was very glad when Lisa came home!


There’s nothing Eric won’t do to get a smile.  Here, Eric’s attempt to get a smile for the camera backfired.  Finally, Lisa captures a happy face.


Jacob on his activity mat.  Jacob looking professorial in his vest.


Jan 1 – Jan. 21


Jacob in a James Dean-esque jean jacket.  Jacob likes to be swaddled.


Nov. 29-Dec. 31


Jacob getting his first bath.  Jacob on Daddy’s lap.  Jacob in a snow suit.  Mommy holding Jacob.


Nov. 22-28


Lisa’s brother Craig visited.  He’s getting used to his new status as an uncle.


We had the bris on Nov. 25.  Dr. Jonathan Berkoff, Lisa’s ob/gyn, acted as the mohel.  The grandparents helped with the ceremony.  Mommy looked incredible.


Although Sandy left after the bris, we had a full house for Thanksgiving.  We got photos of the extended family, Daddy’s parents and Lisa’s family.  We all had so much to be thankful for.


Grandma Barbara and Lisa took Jacob out for his first stroller ride on a typical late November day.


Jacob cheers when he’s asleep. 


Nov. 19-21


We took Jacob home from the hospital on Nov. 20.  For the first time, we were all together at home.  Jacob looks like an angel sleeping.  Mommy spent lots of time holding him.  Jacob saluted Mommy for all her hard work.


Jacob’s First Day


November 18, 2002,1:40 pm

7 pounds, 8 oz // 20.5 inches

Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Mommy and baby.  Daddy holds Jacob and says hello.  Jacob spent the day sleeping and wriggling his feet.  His most prominent features are lots of hair (on his head, back and legs), the Goldstein chin and Eric’s nose.  Grandma Barbara arrived only a few hours after birth. 


Lisa and Eric wrote up our own versions of the “birth story.”  Lisa’s story.  Eric’s story.



About the Name


It is a Jewish tradition to honor recently departed loved ones by using their initial letter as the initial letter of a baby’s name.


We chose the letter J to honor Lisa’s grandfather Jack Friedman, who died in 1994, and the letter M to honor both Eric’s Grandpa Max Schlachter, who died in 1996, and longtime family friend Morris Polan (Morrie), who died in March 2002.  We miss all three men and hope Jacob will emulate their best qualities.


We chose the letter Q for his middle name, among other reasons, to recognize Marquette’s special role in our lives and his.